Whole foods from our gardens, directly from the earth, have a wonderful life force; something called photonic energy. Photonic energy is created with the light from our sun. Our leafy green plant leaves, like spinach and lettuce, thrive and become nutrients for our bodies. Our bodies assimilate this live photonic energy from the sun, via our living plants, and this creates an energised body.
Light is a form of energy. Energy in itself is meaningless. Everything is energy. However, when we assimilate photonic light energy; natureís life force, our bodies feel lighter. Sunlight has long been considered a source of healing and a major contributor to a healthy lifestyle.
With a lighter body we can reconnect with our true spirit, create awareness of who we truly are and undo the illusions we can all fall into, as if under a spell. With awareness, we remember we are not a body. Then we can step back and see that what we desire is valueless. In that moment we make a choice that establishes our identity in health.

We can all be diverted from a whole foods lifestyle by our life problems.
We buy into the limitations of the body and end up living in a dualistic reality which by nature has light/dark, good/bad. The solution is discipline; a simple solution, yet not always an easy one.

Whole foods have a high frequency. That is what creates the sensation of lightness within our body. Frequency Technologies may also be applied to engage our bodies with this lightness of being. As we become lighter, the experience can be one of feeling totally safe and completely taken care of.
Within, we have the knowledge of our true presence and that begins to shine within us. With the support of whole foods, and the gift of Frequency Technologies, discipline becomes easier. We become healthier and gain awareness of truth; that truth being there will always only be two choice; one of duality and suffering and fear; or oneness at home with spirit and love.

The words love and fear represent two complete and mutually exclusive thought systems.
What if we can all be disciplined this year? We recognise there are only ever two choices; processed foods or whole foods, fear or love. What thought system will run your life? One which will regain the awareness of your true reality; love. Or, the thought system which is an illusion, one of suffering and fear.
Which choice will you make today? Our choices not only affect us. Each choice is never lost. Each choice based in love may touch many people we have not even met, and produce undreamed of changes in situations of which we are not even aware.

Love LettersLet the love in!

Sign up for monthly reconnection to our Spirit for the three Rs - Rejuvenate, Reconnect, Revitalise.

Love LettersLet the love in!

Sign up for monthly reconnection to our Spirit for the three Rs - Rejuvenate, Reconnect, Revitalise.