Bliss is synonymous with happiness, however what if we took a different perspective? Is happiness really everlasting? We live in a world of opposites, if we are happy, then we can be guaranteed to eventually know the suffering, or a loss that steals away our happiness.
The solution is not about the renunciation of this world, for whether we feel attached to this world of objects and form, or renounce the world of form, both are functions giving our power away; that the things of this world can affect us.

What if the perspective taken to create a state of bliss is now through peace and grace. This form of bliss can be everlasting. Inner peace can allow us to transcend the laws of this world through miracles. A miracle is stated to be that holy instant where we choose peace over suffering. It is simple yet not always easy.
Discipline eventually creates the peace and grace where we experience more and more bliss, this then becomes our natural selection. When we recognise the world we see holds nothing that we want, we can begin to transcend this world, we turn around and begin undoing what used to create suffering.

Guilt keeps us stuck here, what if guilt is an illusion of irrational thought, which is disordered thought. Guilt is a sure sign that your thinking is unnatural. Guilt feelings are always a sign you do not know this. Every disordered thought is attended to by guilt at its inception, and maintained by guilt in its continuance.
Any decision of the mind will affect both behaviour and experience. This is not delusional. Your mind does make your future, and it will turn it back to full creation at any minute you choose peace first. Having given up disordered thought, the proper ordering of thought becomes quite apparent.

This is the step we ask for help, and frequency technologies support this step. There are many modalities and people to support us along this journey, you will know which is the correct path by the lightness of being when making the selection, there is no right or wrong within what is available to support us. Some paths bring peace faster. My purpose is to bring humanity the quickest route back home to our natural state of peace within.
The same relationships that used to cause our suffering are now used to remove our guilt and offer forgiveness.

Nothing in the world of form changes, all that changes is the way we look at it, from “wrong minded” thinking to “right minded” thinking.
Right minded thinking is choosing peace, wrong minded thinking is choosing suffering.
The path becomes more consistent when we remain disciplined to choose from a state of grace and peace, our bliss.

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Love LettersLet the love in!

Sign up for monthly reconnection to our Spirit for the three Rs - Rejuvenate, Reconnect, Revitalise.