What does it mean to be inspired? Inspiration is a treasured state for myself and a word that always reminds me of who we truly are.
True inspiration means to be in spirit. Where did such a word arrive from but to describe the state of being in-spirit. Latin etymology traces this word back to inspirare; to breathe into.

When we are feeling the effects of inspiration, our communion with our spirit is breathing into our mind. We listen and feel the love within. We allow the love to pour through us and embrace everyone.
Then we look through the eyes of love and not judgment, the world we see is always an outside picture of an inward condition.
Judgment reinforces that we are all different, when in truth we are all the same. We are all one spirit from source. We all share the same aspirations to return home to peace.

Inspiration, in-spirit, is a symbol of our right-minded thought, the thought of peace.
The way to hear the voice of inspiration is to change our perception and practise the art of forgiveness.
Every instant we choose peace over suffering, we create a communion with our true spirit. When living from in-spirit, we receive the idea to take certain actions, or those who appear to be separated from us take action on an inspired thought; which creates more peace for everyone. Inspiration can take many forms; however, the outcome and opportunity are always the same, to wake us all up. We all share the same need to awaken from this dream of guilt. Attack always comes from guilt. Attack is a call for love.
Inspiration can stop people from doing something dangerous. This stops the perception of being hurt and the perpetrator from doing something that will then cause guilt.

To hear the call of spirit, is to help us remember who we truly are. This symbol of inspiration was put in place to always be there while we dream of being separate, it is our own voice of right-mindedness to wake us up.
Eventually there will be no separation from our true spirit, as we become our right-mind thoughts; which are the thoughts of peace.
Inspiration does not change the world. It changes how we see the world. It gives us back the power of our mind, to be the dreamer and not the character in the dream.

The only purpose of us here, is to be always vigilant to choose love over duality. Heaven is the awareness of perfect oneness and that there is nothing else.
When functioning from in-spirit, we know that to forgive someone in a world of oneness is to forgive oneself.
Inspiration is when our true identity is restored to us, we remember who we are.

Love LettersLet the love in!

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Love LettersLet the love in!

Sign up for monthly reconnection to our Spirit for the three Rs - Rejuvenate, Reconnect, Revitalise.