There comes a time when we experience new beginnings and suddenly a new goal is clear. When well-being is that goal, we require specific methods for attaining it. The speed by which this goal can be reached depends on one thing alone; the willingness to practise and be disciplined. The new frontier of frequency technologies will assist the speed by which well-being is experienced. There are tools and techniques that can be applied to enhance the work being done via these technologies.
Everyone can make them habits so we can lift ourselves out of pain and fear. Each step towards well-being helps, although in this new beginning, the methods are new. At first the methods are more ideas than a lifestyle; yet they will become the new rules of thought and eventually the rules by which we live.

Well-being begins in the mind with our choices. Choices are continuous; we do not always realise when we are making them. With practice in our choices, a set begins to form which sees us through the rest. We do not need to become preoccupied with every choice or step we take. A specific method applied upon waking, adopted consciously will support our goal with more ease.

Upon waking, think about the kind of day you desire, the feelings you would like to have, the things you want to have happen to you, and the things you would like to experience. Hold the thought; today you will make no choices by yourself. The day will be given to you by the part of your mind that created the thought of the kind of day you would like to have. This means you will not judge the situations where choices need to be made. Judgment of any situation contradicts the goal of well-being. Throughout the day, any time you think of it, or have a quiet moment, remind yourself of the kind of day you would like to experience.

Eventually a point is reached where it is easier to have a happy day if you prevent unhappiness from entering. This takes practice. Your day is formed by how you make your choices – choices made with the right mind expressing the kind of day you desire, or choices made from judgment. When choices are made from judgment, unhappiness is experienced. Begin change; make the choice that you do not like what you feel now. That is a first step in having the awareness you do not like the way you feel; acknowledge you may have been wrong and choose another way to look at the situation.
Frequency technologies will help us shift to having the kind of days we desire.

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Love LettersLet the love in!

Sign up for monthly reconnection to our Spirit for the three Rs - Rejuvenate, Reconnect, Revitalise.