Saint Valentine’s Day has always been a favourite day for myself, only because I had always felt a day dedicated to the celebration of love is a day worth celebrating, whether one is in a romantic communion or not.
Imagine the world if every day became a day dedicated to sharing and celebrating love?
Yes, Saint Valentine’s Day is a day that had a lower frequency beginning, some say dark origins. Yet much in our world began with these dark beginnings. This doesn’t make it okay but it is a perfect example of where we may start and how we can transition towards the light, the higher frequency. It is not about feeling guilty, for guilt, in truth, does not exist – it is made of our own illusions and perceptions.
Correct perecption is required for all of us to truly know peace within.
If there is guilt, anger, sadness, or any lower frequency emotion then we can be sure we have an incorrect perception.
A day dedicated towards love, and loving actions, being kind and full of forgiveness becomes the most valuable of days. One worthy of our attention.
Shakespeare was a prominent figure who began the transition for this day by romanticising it with hand written poems given to lovers. He was an enlightened being so it’s not surprising he instigated the beginning of this transition.
If this day can move from it’s dark start, to one of celebrating love with each other, then it is a prime example of how each of us too can transition from the illusions of suffering and pain towards love, appreciation and gratitude.
Remember we are all in this together, so today let us all extend kindness. Today, make the effort to reach out to someone who may be suffering or alone. Forgive others. We are all having a difficult time or the world would be filled with Peace.
So let us start again. A new day filled with love.
Forgiveness is the first step up that ladder to being awakened and living with Peace.
Happy Saint Valentine’s Day, Happy Single Awareness Day for those who celebrate it under that name. The form, the name, of this day is insignificant, it is a day about our actions towards ourselves and others.